 Lew shared Blood Drive Facts:
  •  38 people filled 40 available spots
  •  31 units of blood were give
  •  6 members & 1 spouse gave blood
  •  13 Rotarians & 1 spouse participated
  •  20 donors were contacted by the blood bank,10 were Rotary contacts, 2 saw our flyers
  •  The next drive will be April 2021
Malcolm continued his fun videos sharing  Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Want to Have Fun, in honor of all the female Rotary members in our club. Jan led  the singing with Susan, Patricia, Radia, & Molly  
Followed by the guys in drag - Bill leading  Art, Kevin, Ken, and Lou in singing
Stand Down will be November 22 from 9-4 with 4 shifts of 2 Rotarians; drive-by cancelled
CRC Holiday Baskets will be December 3, 9-11 to fill boxes with non-food items
Nasr updated the club on International projects
Our speaker today was the brilliant Vic Wintriss who taked about 5G and how this 5th Generation Broadband will be used to provide customized connectivity for a wide-variety of uses in billions of connected devices. We saw how a huge computer has evolved into slim towers that do not pose a health risk. 
And we learned that Vic is most proud of starting The League of Amazing Programmers, a non-profit that teaches Java programming to 400 low income & needy kids in grades 5-12 who go on to become professional programmers  in high demand by major corporations, and earning 6 figure incomes